John 15:1 “. . . My Father is the vinedresser.”
This morning I thought I was just going to do a little yard work. Unexpectedly God began snipping at my heart too when I started.
As I was applying weed killer around my driveway, I noticed that an azalea near my pool had some dead branches. I had noticed them before, but kept hoping that they would somehow be resurrected. Today I finally realized that parts of the shrub needed to be removed. Those parts needed to be cut away for the good of the plant as a whole because they were dead.
After pruning the azalea, I noticed a holly which had random new growth destroying its shape. It seemed to be producing shoots in all the wrong places. Again, I wielded the shears to shape the holly into the beauty for which it was planted. My shrubs must have the work of the pruning shears in their lives so that they can grow properly, or they will never serve the purpose for which they are intended – to beautify my yard.
All of this trimming in my yard, reminded me clearly of Jesus’ words in John 15. He has to take the trimmers to our lives, as well. Whether parts of our lives are dead or parts are growing in the wrong direction, He must cut away for the good of the plant. Without His trimming, we would never achieve the purpose for which we were intended. He knows best the shape my life should take. I just want to hold on to dead branches or grow in some awkward direction.
My prayer today is snip away at my life, Oh Lord. Cut away the dead parts. Help me give up what is no longer alive and productive. And shape my growth that I may be the beautiful planting in Your garden – your destiny for me.